How Much is Asbestos Removal? A Comprehensive Guide by UK Construction Waste Co


Asbestos, which was sought after for its flame-resistant qualities, is becoming a creeping threat to buildings and residences all over the United Kingdom. As a homeowner, builder, or renovator, you may already be aware of the costs asbestos removal requires. For optimal safety and regulatory compliance, it is wise to weigh the financial costs before making a big decision. 

At UK Construction Waste Co., our goal is to make this procedure as straightforward as possible while giving you comprehensive cost information for asbestos removal.

What Exactly is Asbestos, and Why Should We Be Concerned About It?

Asbestos, composed of strong fibres, is a natural element found in rocks and soil. Since it can endure heat, fire, and chemicals, asbestos was a widely used material for construction in the 20th century. 

Although asbestos serves its purpose, the drawback to asbestos is that inhalation of its fibres can prove to be very hazardous to one’s health. Asbestos exposure can result in fatal conditions such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Removing asbestos has become crucial for keeping our homes and workplaces safe.

asbestos being removed from a uk location

Factors Affecting Asbestos Removal Cost 

Type and Amount of Asbestos

The particular type of asbestos and the amount that must be eliminated can have a big impact on the price. Because friable asbestos crumbles more readily and releases fibers into the environment, it is usually more expensive to remove. 

On the contrary, non-friable asbestos, which exists in cement sheets, is less likely to have its fibres come loose. This indicates that the handling is typically less expensive.

Location and Accessibility

The accessibility and location of asbestos within a building might also have an impact on the cost of removal. For instance, asbestos removal from walls or open floor areas is less expensive than asbestos removal from spaces that are hard to reach, like ceilings, ducts, or tiny places.

Scope of the Project

The cost will primarily rely on whether asbestos removal is being done on the entire building or just a small portion of it. A professional crew, material, and equipment requirements for larger projects drive up total expenses.

Costs of Disposal

In the UK, asbestos disposal is heavily regulated to prevent environmental harm. Because authorized asbestos disposal companies charge by the weight and volume of the material, the entire cost of the removal process is hiked.

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Typical Costs of Asbestos Removal 

Costs can vary depending on the factors above. Here are some estimates to help you picture: 

  • Asbestos Survey Costs: To evaluate the level of asbestos existing within the property, it is advantageous to first carry out a detailed survey.

  • Costs for Removing Asbestos: Per square meter, asbestos cleanup typically costs between £50 and £200. This might come to anything from £1,500 to £3,000 for a normal property. 

  • Costs for Disposing of Asbestos: This particular service typically costs between £50 and £100 per cubic meter.

Case Study: Household Asbestos Removal

Let's use a semi-detached property in London in this case. During a routine maintenance, the homeowners found asbestos in the garage roof and insulation.

  1. Survey:At a cost of £450, a thorough inspection is carried out to determine which asbestos was friable and non-friable.  

  2. Removal: The asbestos in the garage and insulation was securely removed; the homeowners had to pay £2,200 for this service. 

  3. Disposal: Getting rid of the asbestos waste incurred another £600 to the total cost.

The homeowners are billed a rough total of £3,250 to guarantee their home meets health and safety requirements.  

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Benefits of Professional Asbestos Removal

Trying to remove asbestos yourself is not as realistic as you may believe, even if you want to save on cash. It is not worth it, and it is highly encouraged to leave the removal of such hazardous materials to the experts. UK Construction Waste Co is one of the asbestos removal companies with the necessary expertise, vast experience, and innovative tools to handle asbestos efficiently and safely.

Here’s why choosing professional services is a smart move:

  • Safety: Professionals religiously comply with strict safety guidelines to minimize exposure and prevent the spread of asbestos fibres.

  • Compliance: Recognized organizations are aware of every regulatory requirement and ensure that each stage of the process adheres with the law.

  • Efficiency: Professionals can complete the job more efficiently armed with expertise and the right tools. 

  • Peace of Mind: Property owners will not worry about a thing as professionals handle the asbestos properly and safely. 

How UK Construction Waste Co Can Help

At UK Construction Waste Co, we specialise in providing thorough asbestos removal services that are customised to meet your unique requirements. Our team of experts remains committed to the removal process. We promise to maintain your environment safe with meticulous work. As a result, we provide our customers with excellent customer service and honest prices.


Part of ensuring the safety of your property’s environment is knowing the expenses involved in removing asbestos. 

There are several factors that influence the entire cost of asbestos removal and a few of them include the type and quantity of asbestos, project size, location, and disposal charges. 

Even though the expenses might appear substantial, opting for professional asbestos removal is an investment in safety, compliance, and assurance.

If the asbestos in your property is keeping you up at night, then how about contacting us at UK Construction Waste Co. Feel free to visit our website and explore the services we offer and even get a personalized quote. Free your environment from the dangers of asbestos by the click of a button.

James Anderson

James Anderson is a passionate blogger focusing on construction waste management. With over ten years of hands-on experience in the construction industry, James brings practical insights and sustainable solutions to his readers. He is dedicated to helping builders and contractors minimize waste and promote eco-friendly practices in their projects.


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